Artist Introduction

Hello All!
Welcome to my first official blog. My thoughts have been behind the pages of sole pleather notebooks for long enough. Unapologetically, let’s express ourselves.

Allow me introduce myself, my name is Sarah. I am a recent graduate from Massachusetts College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration, and a minor in Entrepreneurship from Simmons University. I picked up a minor halfway into my college career and it is one of the best decisions I made. Not only did taking these classes help broaden my perspective of art and business, but also brought me out of my shell, to be able to connect with others in a personable and professional sense.

Before the professional aspect, my journey technically began at the age of three. A crayon in hand and the white hallway walls. My parents disliked the drawing on the walls, but if anything, it was foreshadowing skills I would develop later on. Onwards, all art projects throughout elementary, middle, and high school, it appeared that my level of creativity was enjoyed by many, which always made me happy. There was one instance where my teachers/peers left it to me to create a 4x6ft poster for a middle school play called Dig It! Then, at ten years old, my neighbor introduced me to anime. It warms my heart to see anime become more popular and accepting amongst others compared to several years ago. What captivates me are the different presentation and representation skills of each author/illustrator’s art styles. I became inspired to create what they brought to life. Though still close to my heart, I explored different aspects of life to see what would eventually inspire me further. This ended up being music, understanding feeling through narration, then leading up to duality.

My works explore the use of dark art and interpreting elements of duality. I achieve this by using composition, coordinated color schemes, and organic structures that create captivating pieces, each cohesive, yet different from the last. I commonly like to use skeletal structures intertwined with botanicals to symbolize the similarities of life growing in unusual perspectives.

My journey has had quite a few surprises in regards to where I have ended up in skillset and mindset. Going into college in 2017, I only had traditional abilities such as drawing and painting. Four years later, I have become proficient in digital and adore its versatility. Picking up digital allowed me to apply and translate between other mediums to improve my technical skills.

SarahDualityArt came to be was because of a final assignment in one of my Advanced Drawing Project studio courses I attended my junior year. The final assignment was called beauty and terror. In my head, I saw the word duality. Duality also referring to a gemini characteristic I heavily resonate with, our professor asked us to find an object. The concept was open to interpretation, but to create an image showing both beauty and terror residing within. This was one of my favorite final projects of the semester (the final semester before Covid-19 moved everything online.). Shortly there afterwards, I became inspired to explore the concept into my further works.

My current style, described to the best of my abilities is surrealism and soft-macabre elements, mirroring how I view the world and self that is constantly transforming.

Below are some examples of my work dating as far back as 2017 to present time. Through the 4 years of transformation, an array of mediums have been used to push the boundaries to see how my art can adapt outside of a usual normal medium. Enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog. More coming up soon, consisting of special events, shows, and how to’s on how I create my hand painted textile designs on denim!

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Clarity in New York City Lights